'Objects of Undesire': My Four Annoyances (Ranging from the Utterly Trivial to Extremely Profound)

Hmm, how do I explain this one without sounding like a total whiny emo tortured sensitive artist type? Sometimes I feel like I feel and care too much. Throughout my life, I find that I become very affected, upset, angered, or hurt by things that most other people simply don't care as much about. It's resulted in a lot of resentment, hurt and disappointment on my part.
I thought: how I would love those people to understand how I feel; yet, I know I can sometimes be extremely irrational in my feelings. This paradoxical rut usually ends with me concluding: if I could be more like these people and somehow just not care or feel as much, then I wouldn't hurt so much, either.

I absolutely abhor baby buggies on buses during rush hour. Sure, there is an alliterative appeal in that phrase, but believe me, when you are on a packed bus, your face squashed next to some guy's armpit, the last thing you want to see is a huge baby buggy (complete with bawling baby) being heaved onto the bus by a parent - who, forgive the unfortunate implications of eugenics and racial breeding and whatnot, probably shouldn't be reproducing in the first place - with an infuriating sense of self-entitlement. There are other hours on which you can ride the bus, why pick the busiest ones?

Good-looking people who whine about how they're ugly (and therefore unloved, worthless, not of value, so on and so forth) (you know who you are) as a ploy to receive heaps of praise, reassurances and compliments. I understand there are genuinely some good-looking people who have self-esteem issues or don't really believe they're good-looking, but believe me, if they didn't believe it, they wouldn't whine about it all the time, either.
It's like, dude. Everyone gets insecure, whether it's about their looks or anything else. If someone as good-looking as you whines about how 'ugly' you are, what hope do any of us normal people have? The fact most of these people I've met seem to equate lack of looks with lack of worth also profoundly disturbs me. Have most of them grown up so long living on nothing else except their physical appearance it somehow became true for them?

Need I go into detail about this one? Creepy men.
All girls (and guys, shudder), come here. Give me a group hug, and we'll go and have a pigging-out-on-ice-cream session together.